
Sunday January 28th, 2007 Welch Village

Date & Location: Sunday January 28th, 2007 Welch Village

Snow & Weather: Super hard snow (but nice) and super cold at 8 degrees

Vertical feet & runs: 10,170 feet 31 runs

Comments: Rode with Josh, Glen, and Roley. First day out since my #2 worst crash of all time at Buck on Thursday. The temp was super cold and the snow was hard but nice consistency, not icy. My confidence was at an all time high before Buck on Thursday, then it was squashed like a bug. I didn't get my confidence back today. I rode my T6 big bomber and it did all the driving today. We called Sean before we left and he didn't answer. Josh, Glen and I rode for about an hour then we were making fun of Sean on the lift since he didn't come with us then BAM! We see him ripping down Twister. We all ate crow. Josh and I pushed it to over 10,000 feet and the last hour was way too cold! 17 DAYS TIL TAHOE!

Guest Commentary:

Glen: The puffy treated my ass awesome today! It was cold and bluebird sunny, a total blast. I only rode 6,600 vertical today, damn bladder.

Roley: BRRRRRRRRR! Today was F F F F F F F F**king awesome. I love doing the cooking. Today's special... Crow sorry, I was busy playing hockey late in the third trying to take advantage of a 1 goal lead. Wish I could have seen Matt pop his cooter bone at Buck. I sucked ass today, but am glad I came. Watch out Heather... I only got a couple lbs. until you owe me Butcher's Pie.

Josh: 10,000 frigid feet.


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