
Thursday February 15th, 2007 Kirkwood

Date & Location: Thursday February 15th, 2007 Kirkwood

Snow & Weather: 42 degrees packed pow sometimes mushy

Vertical feet & runs: 13,040 feet 11 runs

Comments: Rode with Greg, Jack Terra, Jeff, Glen, Vicki, Pete, Heather, Josh and Roley. We rode at Kirkwood and had a blast. I am impressed with everyone. Rode mostly with Jack, Josh, Greg, Pete, and Roley. We basically destroyed Kirkwood. Chutes, steeps, pow, bumps, groomers. You name it and we did it. We found some great runs off the Wall chair. Greg was crazy awesome today and he took a chunk out of his Malolo.

Guest Commentary:

Glen: I tested my back and it held up spectacularily! I did some wicked double black bumps. Kirkwood rocks!

CJ: Kirkwood rocked! I rode pretty good today. One of these days in Tahoe I'll try to ride with the guys that do the crazy stuff. I had one fall where my helmet did its job so I was glad I wore it. And I took a sweet movie at the top of chair 4.

Greg: Kirkwood Super Aggressive. Rode hard with Jack & Pete. Pete & I dropped a sweet cornice, we nailed it, too fun. Jack, Matt and I hit chutes all day long. The group has stepped up their game big time! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Terra: Rode with Vicki, Heather, Glen and CJ. Heather took us on some great runs. My ass is a little sore. I owe Jack some snow down his pants. Go Heights!

Jack: Today was a super great day of ridin with my friends- blue skies, good snow, steeps, chutes & cold beer! The only negative about the whole day was this on run down "the Wall" and Greg and I were attacked by a flock of Heights, we barely escaped without injury but then Groog was taken down by a snow badger- it caught him by the sack and threw him off a mogul. Luckily that was the only one we encountered all day. KIRKWOOD ROCKS!

Pete (aka Pooter, aka Shoe Bitch): Ripped up the Kirkwood cement. They will need to repave. The boys and I rode the "Wall", trees, hiked to cornice and dropped in, and jumped over cliffs- sorta mainly slid over cliffs on our asses!

Heather: Took it easy today recovering from bronchitis. Kirkwood was pretty fun- lotsa potential. Rode with CJ, Glen, Terra & Vicki and took them on a double black diamond (telling them it was easy) They all finished with gold stars and the after terrain looked easy compared to where I had taken them and they all kicked ass! I try to drink beer but my body is rejecting it - more practice I guess. Looking forward to riding with everyone else tomorrow and pushing myself a bit. No snow badgers or "heights" today so that is a plus. Me ready for the jacuzzi and a cocktail. Tahoe rules!

Vicki (aka Vooki): Had a great day today. I love sunny days on the mountain. Didn't do anything crazy today, biggest was a double black which I sucked pretty bad on- definitely something to work on for rest of trip. Overall great day- sun, boarding, friends, beer and no Heights or snow badgers!


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