
Monday February 19th, 2007 Heavenly

Date & Location: Monday February 19th, 2007 Heavenly

Snow & Weather: 29 degrees 4" more of fresh

Vertical feet & runs: 15,720 feet 17 runs

Comments: Rode with Terra, Vicki, Greg, Heather, Glen, Jack, Pete, Josh, Jeff and Roley. We hit 8:30am lift open and went Tam Trees to Areola Trees to Olympic/ North Bowl trees. We did top to bottom trees (2 miles) twice. Then we found the best powder field and shared the wealth with Vicki, Heather and Jeff. Bye bye Tahoe. I love you! Now let post vacation depression set in :(

Guest commentary:

LP: Was on point riding at 9:30am and did not stop until 3:30pm. This could possibly be a record. The pow pow was awesome and I think Josh even got some sweet video of the trees and powder but not anyone riding in it. Riding was awesome and I got to see Josh do a few flips over the rocks. Vooki, Poot, Torro, Joosh and I all played beer pong which is not as as cool as dong pong. I hope I can remember this trip next week. I heart Tahoe!

Vicki: Found some great powder today by following the guys and I loved it- I want more! Did Tamarack Trees (a few more times than planned thanks to lost Heather incident) Dipper Trees and Olympic Trees. Got to ride with everyone today but Glen. Did the long tree run down to North Bowl to end day again, my performance this time around kinda of sucked, damned tired legs. Last day of riding- Tahoe was sweet!! Can't wait for next years trip.

Pete: More powder in the trees today. Better than yesterday. Rode with the wire wicket from Roley's Welch Village lift ticket holding on my left binding strap to the base plate. Fell a lot (if you're not falling, you aren't trying) jumped off rocks, rode downed trees... and lover every minute. Great last runs with T-Hud, Josh , Vicki and the Lazy Princess. Good trip, great friends. Thanks everyone!

Roley: 1 hour of sleep was plenty for best day for me. Snow in trees, rock hopper, show stopper Pete was crazy. Sorry..Poot not Pete. Great spills by the Selbrades, what concussion? Laughed over & over from Hoots impeccable bowling style from Saturday. Played monstrous Wheel of Fortune game. Bills, Bills, Bills. I'm ranking this trip 2nd best. Matt's antics...sorry. Moot's antics always make the highlight reel. Back to Welch to almost cry.

CJ: Best day of riding this week. We hit up the Comet Trees and Olympic Trees. Good snow today as well. Tahoe rocks. I love hanging out with everybody in this group.

Greg: I am so very to know everyone in our group of friends. We definitely have something special going here. As for riding today, all I can say is Mott's Canyon with Jack. It wassssssss soooooo steeeeeeeep!! What fun. I will have those 3 runs permanently etched in my memory forever. I also got to see Vicki hard charge Zipper Trees, she so rocks!! This was a great trip. Packed with adventure, fun, laughter (note Hustler photo) & booze :) I am thankful no one was hurt. I can't wait till next time. Thanks everyone & a special thanks to our fearless leader Matt. Thanks Buddy for setting up the Tahoe Smackdown!! Peace out!

Terra: Our last day of riding in Tahoe will go down in my history as my most memorable and happy day of riding. I took a few runs on the groomers on my own to get my legs warmed up. Then the remainder of the day over on Olympic. We rode down the mountain again as me of our last runs. Pete & I took another run or two since we couldn't get enough. The night ended with some beer pong, good laughs and a Reuben...thanks Matt! What a blessing to have great friends! Tahoe was an awesome experience with lots of firsts for me.

Glen: Last day at Tahoe was a blast! Rode different tree runs most of the day and my board took a beating. The DCP got a nice core shot on Olympic, but it was north. I guess you could say I tard charged that run. I can't wait until next years snowboard trip bitch!

Jack: Last day bummer- these trips always go by so fast. A.m. spent most of our time trying to find Heather in the trees that she disappeared in. P.m. Greg and I found the goods in Mott's Canyon- STEEP! really STEEP! We both needed our A++ game on to conquer Mott's. Great trip, great friends, AWESOME!


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