
Saturday March 3rd, 2007 Welch Village

Date & Location: Saturday March 3rd, 2007 Welch Village 2007 East Side Rally

Snow & Weather: 28 degrees packed pow

Vertical feet & runs: 4,220 feet 12 runs

Comments: EAST SIDE RALLY Champions- MATT/ HEATHER/ NATE/ GLEN. Thanks Greg for judging. My favorite Heather quote of the day" WHAT? I can't hear you over my gold medal."

Guest Commentary:

Nate: I rule, I drink, I board fast. The Dark Horse

Hoot: Today was quite splendid. I was lucky enough to be awarded the top 2 picks for the rally. Matt, Nate and Glen were my teammates and we ruled. We were so good everyone thought we cheated. But creative racing is what made us win. Out of the 15 beers, I slammed 4 1/2.

Darren: Cheaters I tell ya! You know it's time to stop when you go to step in and hit yourself in the shin with your board. Word! DBD

Baby Shark says: me have fun! 8 of 9 what???

Roley: Duh! As I said and fulfilled I will finish first at any competition having to do with snowboarding and drinking. M.V.P.=not appreciated! Whatever 2nd pick whatever next year first person back gets a massage, happy ending is questionable. From now on first rider back gets prize, wait...no fair... that would be me

Fish: Bindings are important...apparently. Fun time!

Christina: So, we did not come in first place, but I still think we were the best team :) Good people, good beer, no cutting in line, no pay-offs etc. Good day in all :) !!!!!

Poot: 3 team, 9 buckets, I'm drunk. 2nd place in the first annual East Side Rally... priceless. Fun day of riding, drinking and lessons. I love snowboarding.

Vicki: Great day- East Side Rally ruled- 2nd place for my team- Roley, Pete, Drew and me. I missed my cutting in line opportunity so I blame that for falling to 2nd, Great day overall- I love hanging with this group!!

Drew was here, he rode with Matt. -drew mckinney


At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pics, can't wait to see the pics from the Hatch vacation in Bessemer! Send me those pics we took for my space. Loved you guys bad when you were in. "Just one more . . ."


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